Hi, my name is Nicholas Popovic.
I am a third year PhD student in the Web Science group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, advised by Michael Färber.
My research is in natural language processing and machine learning with a focus on representation learning for information extraction.
You can contact me via email, linkedin, twitter, google scholar or github.Publications
Embedded Named Entity Recognition using Probing Classifiers
preprint, EMNLP, 2024 (link to demo)
VOCAB-EXPANDER: A System for Creating Domain-Specific Vocabularies Based on Word Embeddings
RANLP (demo), 2023 (link to demo)
Few-Shot Document-Level Relation Extraction
NAACL, 2022 -
AIFB-WebScience at SemEval-2022 Task 12: Relation Extraction First - Using Relation Extraction to Identify Entities
SemEval Workshop @ NAACL, 2022 -
Which Publications’ Metadata Are in Which Bibliographic Databases? A System for Exploration
BIR @ ECIR, 2022 -
Towards solving fuzzy tasks with human feedback: A retrospective of the minerl basalt 2022 competition
Competitions Track @ NeurIPS, 2022
Ampacity forecasting from numerical weather predictions: a fusion of the traditional and machine learning methods
IEEE ISGT-Europe, 2020 -
From data points to ampacity forecasting: Gated recurrent unit networks
IEEE BigDataService, 2018